Gold Coast 1902 - 1951 | About Ghana

Partly as a result of the several administrative, judicial, financial and social measures taken by the British to consolidate their presence in the Gold Coast and also the pressure put on her by the Scramble for Africa and the Berlin Conference of 1884-85 to check possible French incursions into the northern parts of the Gold Coast,Her Majesty’s Government annexed Asante and the Northern Territories to the British Crown by two Orders-in-Council of 1st January 1902. The former was the result of conquest in the Yaa Asantewa War of 1900-01 and the latter being the conclusion of Treaties with the help of the Fante Surveyor George Ekem Ferguson. Trans-Volta Togoland seized from Germany at the end of World War I became an adjunct of the Gold Coast Colony with the approval of the League of Nations in July 1921. This completed the territorial definition of modern Ghana and also the beginning of colonial rule property defined. British colonialism in the Gold Coast was all embracing; it involved economic, social and political infrastructural development. Economically, cash crop farming and the mining boom of the last decade of the 19th century promised great economic opportunities. In 1890 and 1901 palm oil and palm kernels constituted 44% and 48% respectively of export revenue. From a modest export of 80 lbs. of cocoa beans worth £4 in 1891, the Gold Coast became the world’s number one producer of cocoa in 1911 with an output of 88.9 million lbs. worth £6 million. In that year, cocoa accounted for 46% of Gold Coast’s total value of exports. The country also experienced a “gold rush” in 1901 with an estimated 3,000 concessions taken up. The promise of prosperity held out by cocoa and minerals underscored the need for a good infrastructure of railways and roads. Between 1898 and 1901 the mining town of Tarkwa was linked by a 41-mile railroad to Sekondi. In 1902 the line was extended 124 miles to Obuasi and in 1903 it was further extended 168 miles to Kumasi. Construction of Accra-Kumasi railway, begun in 1905, was completed in 1923. The third railway a branch linking Kade, a diamond mining centre, to Huni Valley was completed in 1926.

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